Focus your daily work on value delivery, so that the stuff that needs doing to achieve your purpose is done.

Essential patterns to help you achieve this:

  • Clarify and Develop Domains – Clarifying the area of influence, activity and decision-making that a team or person in a role is responsible for enables them to understand the value they are expected to deliver.
  • Respond to Organizational Drivers – Ensuring people in the organization respond to relevant impediments and opportunities maximizes an organization’s potential for creating value.
  • Prioritize Backlogs – When you prioritize your list of work items by value, it is obvious which ones need to be worked on first.
  • Limit Work In Progress – Limiting the number of concurrent work items for people and teams helps to maintain a steady flow of value and encourages collaboration when work is blocked.
  • Daily Standup – A Daily Standup provides the space for a team to organize how they will create value during the day ahead.
  • Test Arguments Qualify as Objections – Considering whether or not arguments brought forward against a decision reveal worthwhile improvements or unwanted consequences supports keeping your decision-making focused on value and avoids getting derailed by unfounded opinions and personal preferences.