Reveal drivers and establish a metrics-based pull-system for organizational change through continuously improving and refining the work process.
  • introduce the principle of consent and Navigate via Tension to evolve work process in a team
  • consider selecting a facilitator to guide group processes, and choosing values to guide behavior
  • initiate a process of continuous improvement, e.g. through Kanban or regular retrospectives
  • members of the team pull in S3 patterns as required
  • if valuable, iteratively expand the scope of the experiment to other teams
  • intentionally look out for impediments

Waste And Continuous Improvement

Waste is anything unnecessary for — or standing in the way of — a (more) effective response to a driver.

Waste exists in various forms and on different levels of abstraction (tasks, processes, organizational structure, mental models etc.)

Establishing a process for the ongoing elimination of waste enables natural evolution of an organization towards greater effectiveness and adaptation to changing context.

Drivers, Value and Waste