• Delegator: Executive team
  • Delegatees: Danielle, Mawiyah, Chris, Mohammed
  • Date of latest update to the domain description: 13th November 2023
  • Author Name(s): Mohammed, Danielle, Richard

Table of Contents


Primary Driver: The organization’s growth is currently hindered by a lack of brand recognition and market penetration, despite having a product that meets the needs of the market. This results in lower sales volume and a slower rate of customer acquisition compared to what’s possible, considering we want to sustain our growth and market share in an industry with rapid innovation and high competition.

Main Requirement: We need to elevate the company’s brand profile and articulate the unique value proposition of our products to the target market, so that potential customers understand why our product is the right choice for them, leading to increased customer engagement and revenue.

Key Responsibilities

Develop and implement a data-driven marketing strategy that targets customer segments more effectively, to increase market share.– Increasing competition and evolving customer preferences are currently leading to a loss of market share.

Manage the marketing budget efficiently, to maximize ROI across all campaigns.

Monitor and analyze market trends, to adjust marketing strategies proactively and maintain competitive advantage. The fast pace of change in consumer behavior and market dynamics is rendering current marketing strategies ineffective.

Execute and refine digital marketing campaigns, to improve engagement and reduce customer acquisition costs. – With digital ad spend increasing without proportional gains in engagement and acquisition, current strategies are leading to diminishing returns.

Foster brand partnerships and collaborations, to extend market reach and brand recognition.– As brand visibility plateaus, the company is experiencing stagnation in market growth.

Oversee the production of all marketing materials, to ensure brand consistency and message clarity across all media.

Cultivate a strong online presence through SEO and content marketing, to gain higher organic search rankings and increased web traffic.

Customers and Deliverables

Internal Sales Team 🔗

Deliverable: Marketing collateral including product brochures, pitch decks, and case studies that equip the sales team with detailed, engaging sales materials to effectively communicate the value proposition to prospects and leads.

Current and Potential Customers 🔗

Deliverable: Regularly updated content such as blog posts, newsletters, and social media updates to keep the customer base informed about the latest company news, product developments, and industry insights, and attract potential customers.

Product Development Team 🔗

Deliverable: Market research reports that provide insights into customer needs, preferences, and trends, to aid the product team in making data-driven decisions for product enhancements or new product creation.

Customer Service Department 🔗

Deliverable: Training materials and FAQs for new campaigns or product launches, that equip customer service representatives with up-to-date information, enabling them to effectively address customer inquiries and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Executive Leadership 🔗

Deliverable: Marketing performance analytics reports that provide leadership with information about marketing campaign effectiveness, customer engagement, and ROI that they can use for budgeting and strategy development.

Partners and Affiliates 🔗

Deliverable: Co-branded marketing campaigns and promotional material that align with both organizations’ messaging, to maximize the reach and impact of joint marketing efforts.


Product Development Team 🔗

Deliverable: Product information and updates, which are critical for creating accurate marketing materials and campaigns.

Requirement: Receive detailed product specifications and roadmaps to develop marketing strategies that align with product capabilities and release schedules.

IT Department 🔗

Deliverable: Technical infrastructure support for hosting the company’s website, managing marketing databases, and ensuring cybersecurity for digital marketing operations.

Requirement: Ensure robust and secure IT systems to maintain the functionality and security of marketing channels and customer data.

Customer Service Department 🔗

Deliverable: Feedback and insights from customer interactions, providing first-hand customer experiences and expectations.

Requirement: Gather customer feedback to refine marketing messages and identify customer service improvement opportunities.

Sales Team 🔗

Deliverable: Sales data and customer feedback on marketing leads and their conversion rates.

Requirement: Share detailed sales results to inform marketing effectiveness and direction for future campaigns.

Product Management Team 🔗

Deliverable: Strategic direction and decision-making that guide overall business and marketing strategy alignment.

Requirement: Provide clear strategic directives to ensure marketing efforts support overarching business goals.

Finance Department 🔗

Deliverable: Budget allocations and financial reporting systems that marketing needs for budget management and campaign funding.

Requirement: Allocate marketing budgets to plan and execute campaigns effectively without overspending.

Deliverable: Legal advice and approval for marketing content to ensure compliance with advertising laws and regulations.

Requirement: Legal vetting of marketing materials to avoid regulatory breaches and protect brand reputation.

External Constraints

Adhere to brand guidelines🔗 and messaging for all marketing materials, to maintain a consistent brand image and avoid customer confusion.

Obtain approval for campaigns exceeding the allocated budget from Finance🔗, to avoid overspending. – With a finite marketing budget, overspending on one campaign could limit the resources available for other critical marketing activities throughout the fiscal year.

Compliance with advertising standards and regulations, to prevent legal issues and uphold the company’s reputation for integrity. – The marketing industry is regulated to protect consumers and ensure fair competition, making compliance a non-negotiable aspect of marketing operations.

Coordinate campaign launches with product release schedules, to ensure alignment with overall product strategy and availability. – Misalignment between product availability and marketing campaigns can lead to customer dissatisfaction and lost sales opportunities.

Follow data protection laws and guidelines in customer data handling, to safeguard customer privacy and company compliance with global data protection regulations.

Prioritize marketing initiatives that support strategic organizational goals, to ensure that marketing efforts contribute to the overarching objectives of the company.

Report on marketing metrics quarterly to the executive team, to provide insight into marketing performance and justify budget use. – Executive stakeholders require regular updates to monitor departmental performance and to make informed decisions on future marketing investments.

Key Challenges

  • The digital marketing landscape is evolving rapidly with frequent updates to algorithms on search engines and social media platforms potentially leading to a lag in effective customer reach if not managed proactively.
  • As a result of market saturation with numerous competitors, differentiating our brand becomes increasingly difficult which may lead to reduced visibility and effectiveness of marketing campaigns in attracting and retaining customers.
  • With the growing importance of content marketing, the need to produce high-quality, engaging content consistently can be resource-intensive, potentially leading to content gaps or a decline in content quality if not scaled properly.
  • Measuring the impact of marketing efforts on sales and company growth is complex and often met with delays in data reporting or interpretation resulting in challenges for timely adjustments to strategy, budget allocation, and to making future strategic marketing decisions.
  • The need to align marketing initiatives with multiple internal departments’ schedules and priorities can lead to delays and reduced efficiency affecting the timely execution of projects and campaigns.
  • Fluctuations in market demand and consumer behavior, often influenced by external factors such as economic conditions or public health concerns, create unpredictability in marketing planning making it difficult to forecast and allocate resources efficiently.

Key Resources

Time allocation for delegatees: full-time (40 hrs per week), with approval for overtime during product launches.


  • A budget of €120,000 per quarter for marketing campaigns.
  • Budget for software licenses provided on request, subject to annual review.
  • Budget for yearly training: €2500 per person with justifications for additional requirements.
  • Company credit card with a pre-approved monthly limit for necessary marketing-related expenses.


  • Direct communication channels (like Slack or Microsoft Teams) with the sales, product development, and customer service departments.
  • Access to a dedicated marketing suite with meeting rooms and storage facilities.
  • Bi-weekly mentoring session with an external marketing expert, contracted for a fixed period.


  • Administration privileges for marketing team members on platforms such as Hootsuite, MailChimp, Salesforce, and Google Analytics.
  • Established accounts with Google AdWords, Facebook Business, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Xitter and a preferred printing service for physical advertising materials.
  • Allocation of high-spec laptops and professional-grade cameras to marketing team members based on their role requirements.

Delegator responsibilities

Provide clear strategic direction and priorities to guide the marketing department’s focus and ensure alignment with the company’s business objectives. The company operates in a dynamic industry where priorities shift rapidly, which sometimes leads to misalignment of efforts and inefficient resource utilization.

Be responsive: Maintain open channels of communication for feedback and escalation to resolve issues swiftly and keep marketing initiatives on track. Delays in decision-making stall marketing projects, and result in missed deadlines and lost opportunities.

Support professional development and training to ensure the marketing team’s skills and knowledge remain cutting-edge. The marketing field is continually evolving, leading to skill gaps and falling behind industry standards without ongoing training.

Review significant changes to marketing strategy or campaign tactics to maintain strategic coherence and mitigate risk.

Ensure the marketing department is kept informed about relevant market and organizational developments to facilitate proactive and informed marketing decisions.

Competencies, qualities and skills


  • Customer-centric thinking to ensure marketing efforts align with customer needs and preferences.
  • Adaptability to embrace and lead change in response to market trends, technology developments, and shifts in consumer behavior.
  • Ethical judgment and professionalism in representing the company’s brand and interacting with stakeholders.
  • Attention to detail in crafting marketing materials and analyzing the performance metrics of campaigns.
  • Strong collaborative skills to work with other teams and external partners effectively.
  • Resilience in facing and overcoming the setbacks common in dynamic and competitive environments.
  • Experience paired with open-mindedness to approach marketing challenges with fresh ideas and new perspectives.
  • Networking abilities to cultivate relationships with media, influencers, and industry professionals.

Domain Expertise

  • Strategic marketing planning and execution with an ability to align marketing campaigns with business objectives and customer insights.
  • Expertise in market segmentation and targeting strategies to effectively reach and engage with desired customer demographics.
  • Data analysis and interpretation skills to glean actionable insights from market research and campaign data.
  • Advanced writing and editing skills for creating a variety of content types, from technical white-papers to compelling ad copy.
  • Communication proficiency, both verbal and written, for clear articulation of marketing strategies and value propositions.
  • Understanding of branding principles to maintain brand integrity across all marketing and communication channels.
  • Creativity in developing engaging marketing content and campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences and stand out in a competitive marketplace.
  • Regulatory awareness to ensure marketing practices comply with legal and industry standards.

Technical Expertise

  • Proficiency in digital marketing tools and platforms, including social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing software.
  • Proficiency in analytical and reporting tools to measure KPIs and ROI effectively.
  • Understanding of content management systems (CMS) and content creation tools for website and blog management.
  • Experience in customer relationship management (CRM) software to track leads, customer interactions, and sales conversions.
  • Graphic design: understanding and familiarity with design software to guide the visual aspect of marketing materials.

Other Expertise

  • Leadership and team management experience to nurture and grow the department’s talent.
  • Budget management to ensure marketing initiatives are cost-effective and yield a high return on investment.
  • Project management capabilities to oversee campaigns from conception through to execution and post-campaign analysis.

Key Metrics and Monitoring

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Description:The cost associated with acquiring a new customer, calculated by dividing the total marketing expenses by the number of new customers acquired in that period.

Marketing Analyst calculates CAC quarterly (as soon as customer numbers for previous quarters are available) and reports results to Marketing Manager.

The Marketing Team adjusts marketing strategies if CAC exceeds industry average by 15% or more.

Purpose: Monitor spending efficiency to ensure the company is not overspending on acquiring new customers.

Marketing Return on Investment (MROI)

Description: The return on marketing investment, measured by the revenue generated from marketing activities divided by the cost of those activities.

Track MROI for each campaign, and quarterly for overall performance

Marketing Manager reviews MROI as it becomes available, and report to the executive team

Threshold: Investigate and strategize if MROI falls below the set company benchmark by 10%.

Purpose: Assess the profitability of marketing campaigns to validate and improve marketing spend decisions.

Lead Conversion Rate

Description: The percentage of leads that become paying customers, indicating the effectiveness of marketing strategies in driving sales.

Rate and Responsibilities: Sales and Marketing teams to track and analyze jointly, monthly.

Threshold: Enhance targeting and customer journey tactics if conversion rate drops below the monthly target by 5%.

Purpose: Optimize marketing funnel efficiency to increase the rate at which prospects are converted into customers.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Description: Measure customer satisfaction on a 5-point scale, calculate CSAT as the sum of all positive responses, divided by the total responses collected, then multiplied by 100.

Rates and Responsibilities:

  • Measure satisfaction after each purchase or interaction, provide CSAT daily.
  • Customer Service Manager to compile data, report to Marketing and Product Development Teams monthly

Threshold: Initiate customer experience improvement initiative if CSAT is below 85 for two consecutive months.

Purpose: Ensure product and service quality meets customer expectations to maintain a positive brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Brand Engagement

Calculate Brand Engagement rate per platform as reported by Hootsuite.

Rates and Responsibilities:

  • Social Media Specialist monitors Brand Engagement per platform daily,
  • Marketing Manager reviews Brand Engagement weekly

Threshold: Adjust content strategy if engagement on any platform decreases by 15% from one week to the next.

Purpose: Build a strong online community and brand loyalty.

Brand Awareness Growth

Increase in brand awareness measured by surveys, web traffic analytics, social mentions, and media exposure.

Rates and Responsibilities: Marketing Team defines metrics sets up tracking and monitors Brand Awareness Growth bi-weekly

Threshold: Re-evaluate brand strategy if growth is below industry benchmarks or company goals.

Purpose: Expand market presence and brand recognition to support long-term sales and marketing objectives.

Posts and Email Marketing Performance

Measure performance of social media posts and email campaigns in Hootsuite and Mailchimp.

Rates and Responsibilities:

  • Marketing Team to set up metrics, analyze, and report
  • Track performance overall and for each platform weekly

Threshold: Review and adjust marketing strategy if performance metrics are below the industry average.

Purpose: Improve quality of content and refine campaign strategy.

Evaluation Schedule


  • Key Metrics Review (10-15 min): Marketing team members, Marketing Analyst


  • Marketing Performance Meeting (1h): Marketing team members, Sales Representatives, Customer Service Manager, Product Development Liaison


  • Strategic Review Meeting (2-3 hrs): Marketing team members, delegator, executive leadership


  • Peer Review Session (2hrs): Marketing team members, delegator, selected customer representatives, dependencies representatives
  • Campaigns Effectiveness Retrospective (2hrs max.): Marketing team members, delegator, external agencies, sales team representatives


  • Comprehensive Domain Design Review (4 hrs max): Marketing team members, delegator, IT support representative, legal advisor, finance department representative

Criteria for evaluation during these activities should also include the assessment of:

  • Alignment of marketing initiatives with strategic objectives
  • Quality and timeliness of marketing deliverables
  • Satisfaction levels of internal customers and dependencies
  • Effectiveness of the communication flow within and outside the department
  • Professional development needs and progress of the marketing team
  • Changes in market conditions and the department’s adaptability to these changes

The results of these evaluations should be documented and stored in an accessible format, allowing for tracking of progress over time and providing a clear record for decision-making regarding changes in strategy or domain design. Additionally, evaluations should be flexible to include any ad-hoc reviews triggered by significant market events or internal organizational changes.