Prepare For Meetings
Prepare in advance to make meetings more effective.
Some considerations for successfully preparing a meeting:
- clarify and communicate the driver for, and intended outcome of the meeting
- decide who to invite
- create an agenda
- schedule the meeting enough in advance, so people have time to prepare
- choose an appropriate duration for the meeting
- be clear who will facilitate the meeting, who will take minutes and who will take care of any follow-up
Preparing an Agenda
Involve people in preparing and prioritizing an agenda and send it out in advance
For each agenda item agree on:
- the driver
- the intended outcome
- the process
- the time you want to spend on it
- what people need to do to prepare
Support the Participants’ Preparation
- consider what can be done in advance to prepare for the meeting
- notify people about any expectations and prerequisites
- make any resources available that people may need for preparation
As a participant
- consider the pattern Artful Participation
- review the agenda and consider how you can contribute to each item
- bring up objections to an agenda, and if possible resolve them before the meeting
- review improvement suggestions from the last meeting’s evaluation and consider how you might act on them