Maintain a coherent and accessible system that stores all information required for collaboration.
A logbook is a (digital) system to store all information relevant for running an organization and its teams. The logbook is accessible to all members of an organization, and information is kept confidential only when there is good reason to do so.
Common platforms for logbooks are Wikis (e.g. DokuWiki, MediaWiki, Confluence), Content Management Systems (e.g. Wordpress), G Suite, Evernote or even Trello.
Logbook Contents
Content relating to the whole organization:
- primary driver, strategy and organizational values
- organizational structure (domains and the connections between them)
- agreements
Content relating to a specific team or role:
- the domain description and strategy
- agreements (including delegatees’ domain descriptions, strategies and development plans)
- backlogs and other information relating to work and governance